CPC smooth roller mill
Reduction of hard and medium hard material (limestone, magnesium oxide, salt, fertilizer, coke, etc.)
Feed up to 500 t/h, depending on material characteristics and particle size
A typical application: fine pulverizing, e.g. from 30 mm feed size to 5 mm final product size, approx. 80% target particle size largely avoidance of fine fractions and dust
Reducing roller surface suitable for material properties (smooth, machine-cut grooves or built-up welded cracks)
Integration in semi-mobile installations possible.
Reduction of the feed material between the two rollers (fixed and movable) by mechanical pressure to 200 to 400 kN, hydraulically powered
Particle size controlled by precise hydraulic adjustment of the roller gap
Opening of the gap width between the crushing rollers in the event of an overload (eg Caused by an unbreakable foreign object) within milliseconds to allow that piece to pass, thereby avoiding a shutdown.